Category: Ayurvedic Treatment Methods
Hits: 7888


While Arishtams are by nature a

superior media for treating Vata-

related disorders, Balarishtam is the

Vata remedy "par-excellence." This

is one of Ayurveda’s prime tools for

battling arthritis, rheumatism and all

other auto-immune reactions. It is

recommended for neurological

disorders, back pain, numbness and

pain in the extremities.


Jaggery, Sida, Ashwagandha, Five

flame bush, Castor bean,

Holostemma, Greater galangal,

Cardamom, Paederia, Clove,

Vetiver, Puncturevine.

Recommended use:

1-2 Tbsp./15-30 ml. twice daily.

All the above articles / blog posts are not the original contribution from author, please consider a opinion of qualified doctor, if you considering this. If you need a advice please contact Dr. Anil Joy email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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