Antibacterial Herbs of Ayurveda
Natural antibacterial herbs are used to kill or inhibit the growth and development of bacteria. It destroys the bacteria present internally or within the human body. On application to living tissues, these herbs (Antibacterial Herbal Extracts) reduce the possibilities of infection, sepsis or putrefaction.
Antibacterial herbs act only on bacteria and interfere the growth conditions of bacteria to inhibit its development.
Acacia Catechu
Botanical Name : Acacia Catechu
Family Name : Mimosacaae
Common Name : Cutch Tree, Catechu, Black Cutch
Part Used : Bark And Heartwood
Habitat : Found in indian forests, upto the elevation of 1,500 m.
Product offered : Roots, stem
Uses : Bark of cutch tree is strong antioxidant, astringent, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal in nature.
It is useful in passive diarrhea, high blood pressure, dysentery, colitis, gastric problems, bronchial asthma, cough, leucorrhoea and leprosy. It is used as a mouthwash for mouth, gum, sore throat, gingivitis, dental and oral infections.
Heartwood is used to yield concentrated aqueous extract i.e. cutch. Cutch (extract) is astringent, cooling, and digestive. It is useful in cough, diarrhea, ulcers, boils and eruptions of the skin. Decoction of bark is given internally in case of leprosy. Helps to cure pile when taken with lemon regularly.
Alpinia Galanga
Botanical Name : Alpinia Galanga
Family Name : Zingiberaceae
Common Name : Galanga Root, Greater Galanga, Siamese Ginger, Siamese Galanga, Java Galangal, El Galangal, El Adkham,hang Dou Kou, Laos, Galgant, Naukyo, Lenkuas, Galanga Maior, Grosser Galgant, Da Liang Jiang, Gran
Part Used : Roots
Habitat : Cultivated in south east asia.
Product offered : Galangal roots, Galangal rhizomes
Uses : Alpinia Galanga rhizome is used against rheumatism, bronchial catarrh, bad breath and ulcers whooping colds in children, throat infections, to control incontinence and fever. Alpinia species show promise as anti-fungals, hypotensives, enhancers of sperm count and motility. Anti-tumor and anti-dementia effects have been observed in rodents.
Alpinia Galanga is a stimulating aromatic and has been successfully employed to aid the digestive process, preventing fermentation and removing flatus. It is useful in case of dyspepsia, preventing vomiting or sickness of the stomach and facilitating digestion. It may be used in all cases in which a stimulating aromatic is indicated. It tones up the tissues and is sometimes prescribed in fever. Homoeopaths use it as a stimulant. It has some reputation as a remedy for perineal relaxation with hemorrhoids and for a lax and pendulous abdomen. It is used as a snuff to treat cold and flu symptoms. Galangal Root has also been used as a digestive aid, especially in combating dyspepsia and flatulence. It is also seen as a remedy for seasickness and motion sickness. It is used against nausea, flatulence, dyspepsia, rheumatism, catarrh and enteritis. It also possesses tonic and antibacterial qualities and is used for these properties in veterinary and homeopathic medicine. This herb has a constricting or binding effect, for example: one that checks hemorrhages or secretions by coagulation of proteins on a soft surface. It also restores, nourishes, and supports the entire body; it exerts a gently strengthening effect on the body.
Berberis Aristata
Botanical Name : Berberis Aristata
Certifications :
Family Name : Berberidaceae
Common Name : Tree Turmeric, Indian Barberry, Ophthalmic Barberry.
Part Used : Bark, Fruit, Root, Stem And Wood.
Habitat : It is found in himalayan region, distributed from kashmir to uttarakhand.
Product offered : Bark, stem
Uses : The plant is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, astringent, alternative, antipyretic, antiperiodic, anti-septic, anti-cancer, bitter, cholagogue, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, laxative, stomachic and sweat-inducing.
It is mainly used in eye diseases, haemorrhoids, amenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, piles, sores, peptic ulcers, dysentery, heartburn, indigestion, hepatitis, intermittent fever, and chronic ophthalmia. An infusion of root is useful in treatment of malaria, skin diseases, diarrhea and jaundice. A decoction is used as mouthwash for treating swollen gums and toothache. It is also used to treat infections, eczema, parasites, psoriasis, and vaginitis. Roots are hypoglycemic, antiinflammatory and stimulate the cardiovascular system. Root bark is anticoagulant and hypotensive in nature.
Cassia Occidentalis
Botanical Name : Cassia Occidentalis
Family Name : Fabaceae (leguminaceae)
Common Name : Coffee Senna, Negro Coffee, Coffee Weed, Stinking Weed, Foetid Cassia
Part Used : Roots, Leaves, Seeds
Habitat : Throughout india, growing abundantly immediately after rains.
Product offered : Seeds
Uses : The plant is bitter, purgative, laxative, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, hepatoprotective, anti-malarial, analgesic, vermifuge and febrifuge. It mainly used to detoxify liver, use to cure internal bacterial and fungal disorders, to kill parasites and viruses, enhances immunity, and promotes perspiration. It is also helpful in cough, convulsions, reduces blood pressure, reduces spasms and as cardiotonic. Seeds are brewed into a coffee-like beverage for asthma, and a flower infusion is used for bronchitis. Leaves are used in the treatment of gonorrhea, fevers, urinary tract disorders and edema.
Celosia Cristata
Botanical Name : Celosia Cristata
Family Name : Amaranthaceae
Common Name : Cockscomb, Yellow Toreador, Red Cockscomb, Foxtail Amaranth, Crested Celosia, Fire-flame Bush, Shinaji Tea, Woodfordia.
Part Used : Flowers
Habitat : Throughout india but abundantly found in north india upto 1600 m.
Product offered : Wholeplant, Flowers, Seeds
Uses : The flowers are acrid, astringent, styptic, depurative, utreine sadative, constipating, antibacterial, corrective of urinary pigments, febrifuge and alexeteric. They are useful in the conditions of kapha and pitta, leprosy, burning sensation, skin diseases, diarrhoea, dysentery, fever, headache, hemorrhoids, herpes, internal hemorrhage, leukorrhea, liver disorders, menorrhagia, ulcers, wounds. Juice of leaves is used in bilious sickness. They are also valued as a stimulant in pregnancy. The seed is hypotensive and ophthalmic. It is used in the treatment of bloodshot eyes, blurring of vision, cataracts and hypertension. The flower and seed is astringent, haemostatic, parasiticide and poultice. It is used in the treatment of bloody stool, haemorrhoid bleeding, uterine bleeding, leucorrhoea and diarrhoea.
Cinnamomum Camphora
Botanical Name : Cinnamomum Camphora
Family Name : Lauraceae
Common Name : Camphor Tree, Gum Camphor, Camphor Laurel, French Camphor, Howood
Part Used : Roots, Wood
Habitat : Cultivated in india as an ornamental tree.
Product offered : Wood
Uses : Bark is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, analgesic, analeptic, anthelmintic, antispasmodic, aromatic, aphrodisiac, carminative, diaphoretic, sedative, stimulant, narcotic and tonic.
It is used as nervine depressant in case of hysteria, epilepsy, chorea and convulsions. It acts as stimulant for cardiac, circulation and respiration. It is useful in measles, typhoid, whooping cough, asthma, and hiccup. It is recommended in case of cough, cold, toothache and liver disorders.
Camphor oil is antihelmintic, antirheumatic, antispasmodic, cardiotonic and sedative. It is used for treating joints and muscle pains, cold sores and skin diseases. Camphor oil is best used for sedating nervy types particularly when associated with depression. Also used an aromatherapy diffuser or vaporizer.
Cissampelos Pareira
Botanical Name : Cissampelos Pareira
Family Name : Menispermaceae
Common Name : Velvet Leaf, Abuta, Pereira Root, Barbasco.
Part Used : Whole Vine, Seed, Bark, Leaf, Root.
Habitat : Found in tropical region of india.
Product offered : Bark
Uses : Velvet leaf or Abuta is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antioxidant, antispasmodic, diuretic, hypotensive, muscle relaxant, uterine relaxant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, analgesic, antihemorrhagic, cardiotonic, diaphoretic, expectorant, febrifuge, hepatoprotective stimulant and tonic.
It is known as Midwife's herb as mainly used in women aliments. It is used for menstrual problems, hormonal imbalance, ease childbirth, postpartum pain, prevent threatened miscarriage, and control uterine hemorrhages, hormonal acne and premenstrual syndrome. It is used for heart problems, kidney stones, kidney infections and pains, asthma, arthritis, muscle cramps and stomach pains.
It is also used to kill bacteria, prevents convulsions, ulcers, indigestion, skin irritations, cough, fever, intestional worms, wounds and in snake bite. It is used against poisonous snake bites and is very effective in skin related aliments.
Curcuma Longa
Botanical Name : Curcuma Longa
Family Name : Zingiberaceae
Common Name : Curcuma, Curcumae Domestica, Curcumin 95%, Terre-mérite, Terra Merita, Turmeric, Curcuma, Safran Boubou, Safran De Malabar, Safran Des Indes
Part Used : Leaves, Flowers, Roots
Habitat : Cultivated extensively in india within tropical climate
Product offered : Roots,Leaves
Uses : Turmeric is used extensively in foods for both its flavor and color. Turmeric has a long tradition of use in the Chinese and Ayurvedic systems of medicine.
The rhizome (root) of turmeric has long been used in traditional Asian medicine to treat gastrointestinal upset, arthritic pain. Turmeric has long been used as an anti-inflammatory, to treat digestive disorders, osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis, cancer and liver problems and for the treatment of skin diseases and wound healing. It is believed to strengthen the overall energy of the body, relieve gas, dispel worms, regulate menstruation, dissolve gallstones, and relieve arthritis. The active components of turmeric reduce the destructive activity of parasites or roundworms. It has also demonstrated in animals a protective effect on the liver, anti-tumor action and ability to reduce inflammation and fight certain infections.
Curcumin 95%, a potent antioxidant is believed to be the most bioactive and soothing portion of the herb turmeric. Curcumin 95% posses the properties like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet, cholesterol-lowering antibacterial and anti-fungal effects. It contains a mixture of powerful antioxidant phytonutrients known as Curcuminoids. Curcumin 95% inhibits cancer at initiation, promotion and progression stages of tumor development. It is a strong anti-oxidant, which supports colon health, exerts neuroprotective activity and helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. It is used as coloring matter in pharmacy, confectionery, cosmetic and food industries. It is also used as a key ingredient in some cosmetic products like cream, soaps and cleansers.
Curcuma Longa 95%
Botanical Name : Curcuma Longa
Family Name : Zingiberaceae
Common Name : Curcuma, Curcumae Domestica, Curcumin 95%, Terre-mérite, Terra Merita, Turmeric, Curcuma, Safran Boubou, Safran De Malabar, Safran Des Indes.
Part Used : Leaves, Flowers, Roots
Habitat : Cultivated extensively in india with in tropical climate.
Product offered : Roots
Uses : Turmeric is used extensively in foods for both its flavor and color. Turmeric has a long tradition of use in the Chinese and Ayurvedic systems of medicine.
The rhizome (root) of turmeric has long been used in traditional Asian medicine to treat gastrointestinal upset, arthritic pain. Turmeric has long been used as an anti-inflammatory, to treat digestive disorders, osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis, cancer and liver problems and for the treatment of skin diseases and wound healing. It is believed to strengthen the overall energy of the body, relieve gas, dispel worms, regulate menstruation, dissolve gallstones, and relieve arthritis. The active components of turmeric reduce the destructive activity of parasites or roundworms. It has also demonstrated in animals a protective effect on the liver, anti-tumor action and ability to reduce inflammation and fight certain infections.
Curcumin 95%, a potent antioxidant is believed to be the most bioactive and soothing portion of the herb turmeric. Curcumin 95% posses the properties like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet, cholesterol-lowering antibacterial and anti-fungal effects. It contains a mixture of powerful antioxidant phytonutrients known as Curcuminoids. Curcumin 95% inhibits cancer at initiation, promotion and progression stages of tumor development. It is a strong anti-oxidant, which supports colon health, exerts neuroprotective activity and helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.
Eclipta Prostata
Botanical Name : Eclipta Prostata
Family Name : Asteraceae
Common Name : Eclipta, False Daisy, Han Lian Cao, Takasaburou, Yerba De Tago,congo Lanna
Part Used : Whole Plant
Habitat : Wet places in fields in india, korea and japan.
Product offered : Wholeplant
Uses : The rhizome is used against rheumatism, bronchial catarrh, bad breath and ulcers whooping colds in children, throat infections, to control incontinence and fever. Alpinia species show promise as anti-fungals, hypotensives, enhancers of sperm count and motility. Anti-tumor and anti-dementia effects have been observed in rodents.
Galangal is a stimulating aromatic and has been successfully employed to aid the digestive process, preventing fermentation and removing flatus. It is useful in case of dyspepsia, preventing vomiting or sickness of the stomach and facilitating digestion. It may be used in all cases in which a stimulating aromatic is indicated. It tones up the tissues and is sometimes prescribed in fever. Homoeopaths use it as a stimulant. It has some reputation as a remedy for perineal relaxation with hemorrhoids and for a lax and pendulous abdomen. It is used as a snuff to treat cold and flu symptoms. Galangal Root has also been used as a digestive aid, especially in combating dyspepsia and flatulence. It is also seen as a remedy for seasickness and motion sickness. It is used against nausea, flatulence, dyspepsia, rheumatism, catarrh and enteritis. It also possesses tonic and antibacterial qualities and is used for these properties in veterinary and homeopathic medicine.Entire plant is used for tuberculosis, fresh aerial part are used to treat snakebite, headaches, vesicles in the skin, to treat leprosy and diabetes mellitus. In India the juice of the leaves is used in the treatment of liver, epilepsy, stomach cancer, colds, coughs, elephantiasis, hepatitis, splenitis. Roots are used for insanity. The juice of the leaves, stems and roots is affective for curing cirrhosis lever. The plant tops are used for skin diseases (inflammation).
Ficus Racemosa
Botanical Name : Ficus Racemosa
Family Name : Moraceae
Common Name : Cluster Fig, Indian Fig, Crattock, Rumbodo, Atteeka, Redwood Fig
Part Used : Bark, Root, Latex, Fruits
Habitat : It is cultivated all over india and also grows wild in many forests and hills.
Product offered : Fruits
Uses : According to Ayurveda, roots are useful in hydrophobia whereas bark is acrid, cooling, galactagogue and good for gynaecological disorders. Fruits are astringent to bowels, styptic, tonic and useful in the treatment of leucorrhoea, blood disorders, burning sensation, fatigue, urinary discharges, leprosy, menorrhagia, epistaxis and intestinal worms. According to Unani system of medicine, leaves are astringent to bowels and good in case of bronchitis whereas fruits are useful in treatment of dry cough, loss of voice, diseases of kidney and spleen. Bark is useful in Asthma and piles. Latex is applied externally on chronic infected wounds to alleviate edema, pain and to promote the healing. The tender leaf buds are applied on the skin, in the form of paste, to improve the complexion.
Ficus Religiosa
Botanical Name : Ficus Religiosa
Family Name : Moraceae
Common Name : Bodhi Tree, Peepal Tree, Sacred Tree
Part Used : Bark, Leaves, Tender
Latex, Seeds, Fruits.
Habitat : Found throughout india and also cultivated.
Product offered : Leaves, Seeds, Bark, Fruit
Uses : The bark is cooling and astringent and is useful in inflammations and glandular swellings of neck. Root bark is good for stomatitis, clean ulcers and it is astringent in leucorrhoea and promotes granulations. According to Unani system of medicine, root, bark is aphrodisiac and also good for lumbago. Roots are said to be good for gout. The roots are chewed to prevent gum disease. The fruit is laxative, promotes digestion, aphrodisiac and checks vomiting. Ripe fruits are alexipharmic (an antidote or defensive remedy against poison, venom or infection), are good for foul taste, thirst and heart disease. The powdered fruit is taken for asthma. The seeds are cooling, laxative and refrigerant. Seeds are useful in urinary troubles. The leaves alone are used to treat constipation. The leaves and young shoots together are purgative (strong laxative). An infusion or decoction of the bark is used with some honey for the treatment of gonorrhoea, ulcers, skin diseases and scabies. Its power bark has been used to heal the wounds for years.
Inula Racemosa
Botanical Name : Inula Racemosa
Family Name : Asteraceae (compositae)
Common Name : Inula
Part Used : Stem, Root
Habitat : It grows in the hilly regions in the northwestern himalayas.
Product offered : Roots
Uses : The rhizome is sweet, bitter and acrid in taste with a neutral potency and act as antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and mild diuretic. It is used in the treatment of contagious fevers, anginapectoris, heart disease and ischemic heart disease. It is also used in cough, hiccup, bronchial asthma, indigestion, flatulence, inanorexia and in fever. Externally, the paste of its roots is used effectively, in dressing the wounds and ulcers as the herb possesses antiseptic property. Also used to boost the appetite.
Lepidium Sativum
Botanical Name : Lepidium Sativum
Family Name : Cruciferae
Common Name : Garden Cress, Pepper Grass, Garden Pepper Cress, Pepper Wort.
Part Used : Roots, Leaves And Seeds.
Habitat : Cultivated throughout india as a culinary vegetable.
Product offered : Seeds
Uses : Seeds are bitter, thermogenic, depurative, galactagogue, emmenagogue, tonic, aphrodisiac, ophthalmic and diuretic. It is useful in leprosy, skin diseases, dysentery, diarrhea, dyspepsia, eye diseases, leucorrhoea, scurvy, asthma, cough, cold and seminal weakness.
Roots are bitter and acrid. It is useful in secondary syphilis and tenesmus.
Leaves are stimulant, diuretic and antibacterial. It is useful in scurvy and hepatopathy. Seeds are abortifacient, they have been applied as a poultice to pains and hurts and have also been used as an aperient. The seed yields up to 58% of edible oil that can also be used for lighting.
Nyctanthes Arbortristis
Botanical Name : Nyctanthes Arbortristis
Family Name : Oleaceae
Common Name : Night Jasmine, Coral Jasmine
Part Used : Flowers, Leaves, Seeds,
Habitat : Cultivated in gardens in india
Product offered : Flowers, Leaves, Seeds
Uses : The leaves are antibacterial, antiinflammatory and anthelmintic. Further, a dye extracted from the corolla tube is used to lend colour to Tussore Silk. The flowers are bitter astringent, opthalmic, stomachic and carminative. It is an expectorant, bitter and tonic, febrifuge, and mild purgative. It is used in bilious and obstinate remittent fever, sciatica, and rheumatism. It is also very useful in constipation of children. The leaves are bitter and acrid. It is being used to treat fever, fungal skin infection and also dry cough. It is used in treatment of bronchitis and also as an antidote to snakebite.
Oxalis Corniculata
Botanical Name : Oxalis Corniculata
Family Name : Oxalidaceae
Common Name : Yellow Wood Sorrel, Indian Sorrel
Part Used : Whole Plant
Habitat : Common in damp shady places, roadsides, plantations and lawns in india.
Product offered : Wholeplant
Uses : Oxalis Corniculata plant is anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, depurative, diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, lithontripic, stomachic and styptic. It is used in the treatment of influenza, fever, urinary tract infections, enteritis, diarrhea, traumatic injuries, sprains and poisonous snake bites. An infusion can be used as a wash to rid children of hookworms. The plant is a good source of vitamin C and is used as an antiscorbutic in the treatment of scurvy.
The leaves are used as an antidote to poisoning by the seeds of Datura spp., arsenic and mercury. The leaf juice is applied to insect bites, burns and skin eruptions. It has an antibacterial activity.
Yellow, orange and red to brown dyes are obtained from the flowers. The boiled whole plant yields a yellow dye. An infusion of leaves is used to remove opacities of the cornea and is dropped into the eyes for itching lids. A decoction of leaves is used as a gargle.
Phyllanthus Niruri
Botanical Name : Phyllanthus Niruri
Family Name : Euphorbiaceae
Common Name : Phyllanthus Plant, Child Pick-a-back, Gulf Leafflower, Black Catnip, Meniran, Chanca Piedra, Shatterstone, Stone Breaker, Quebra Pedra, Gale Of Wind, Carry Me Seed, Creole Senna, Daun Marisan
Part Used : Whole Plant
Habitat : Common in central and southern india extending to srilanka.
Product offered : Wholeplant
Uses : Phyllanthus blocks DNA polymerase, the enzyme needed for the hepatitis B virus to reproduce. It also prevent from jaundice,diabetes, dyspepsia, ulcers, sores, swellings, ophthalmia and chronic dysentery. Whole plant is useful for the treatment of some forms of gonorrhea, menorrhagia, dropsy, menorrhagia and other genito- urinary affections of a similar type. A poultice of the leaves mixed with salt cures itch and other skin affections. It is bitter, astringent, cold, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective and useful in liver disorders, cough, asthma, jaundice, spleen disorders. Phyllanthus may help decrease the amount of hepatitis B virus found in the blood stream.
Plumbago Zeylanica
Botanical Name : Plumbago Zeylanica
Family Name : Plumbaginaceae
Common Name : Ceylon Lead Root, Leadwort, Wild Leadwort, Lautafifi
Part Used : Flowers
Habitat : Throughout india but abundantly found in north india upto. 1600 m.
Product offered : Roots
Uses : Plumbago is acrid and stimulates sweating. It also promotes appetite and helps in digestion. It is used for dyspepsia, piles, and skin diseases. Roots have been used as abortifacient in some indigenous practices, internally or as an irritant to the uterus. The powdered root is occasionally taken as a snuff to relieve headache.
It also helps in adhesion of tissues in the body and works as antidiarrheal due to heavy properties.
Botanical Name : Mentha Arvensis
Family Name : Lamiaceae
Common Name : Field Mint, Corn Mint, Japanese Mint, Podina
Part Used : Whole Plant, Oil
Habitat : Found through out india.
Product offered : Leaves, Oil
Uses : The entire plant is antibacterial, antifibrile. It yields an essential oil and menthol which exert, through their rapid evaporation, slightly anaesthetic, and anodyne local effect. It is effective in headache, rhinitis, cough sore throat, colic, prurigo and vomiting. Menthol obtained from this is used in balms. It is also used as flavoring agent in culinary preparations. It is well known as a cardiac tonic in pharmaceutical preparations. It is a good blood cleanser. Due to it is antiseptic and anti-bacterial property, it can be used in swollen gums, mouthwash or mouth ulcers and toothache.
Pomegranate Seed Oil
Botanical Name : Punica Granatum
Family Name : Puniacaceae
Common Name : Pomegranate, Pom
Part Used : Pomegranate Seeds
Habitat : Cultivated all over india
Product offered : Pomegranate Seed Oil, Pomegranate Oil (Punica Granatum Oil)
Uses : Pomegranate seeds yeild a drying oil which contains Pucinic acid forming upto 72% of the fatty acid. Pucinic acid is conjugated triene and and geometrical isomer of elaostearic acid. Oil possesses Antibacterial properties. Pomegranate (Punica Granatum) is now well known for antioxidant properties. With recent researches the seed oil has been found to be of help prevent the formation of skin cancer by reducing the frequency of lesions and limit the occurrence of tumors.
Pongamia Pinnata
Botanical Name : Pongamia Pinnata
Family Name : Fabaceae (leguminaceae)
Common Name : Indian Beech, Poongam Oil Tree, Honge, Ponge.
Part Used : Root, Bark, Leaves, Flowers, Seed Oil
Habitat : Pongamia is widely distributed in tidal and beach forests of india.
Product offered : Seeds
Uses : Pongamia seeds and oil is anthelmintic, styptic, and depurative. It is useful in rheumatism arthritis, whooping cough, skin alinments and scabies. Seed oil is mainly used in cosmetics, in soap making and as a lubricant. Seed oil is also used as insecticidal, nematicidal and bactericidal.
Flowers are useful to quench dipsia in diabetes and for alleviating vata and kapha.
Leaves are digestive, laxative and useful in flatulence, dyspepsia, diarrhea, leprosy and cough.
Bark is anthelmintic and used in pesticides. Dried leaves are used in stored grains to repel insects. The bark also yields a black gum that is used to treat wounds caused by poisonous fish.
Premna Obtusifolia
Botanical Name : Premna Obtusifolia
Family Name : Verbenaceae
Common Name : Headache Tree, Premna, False Elder.
Part Used : Roots And Leaves
Habitat : Mainly present in plains of india and in andaman coasts.
Product offered : Bark
Uses : The roots are sweet, bitter, astringent, acrid, cordial, thermogenic, anodyne, anti-inflammatory, cardiotonic, laxative, stomachic, expectorant, depurative, digestive, carminative, febrifuge, antibacterial and tonic.
Roots are useful in vitiated conditions of vata and kapha. Roots are useful in inflammations, cardiac disorders, cough, asthma, bronchitis, leprosy, skin diseases, flatulence, anorexia, constipation and fever. Roots are the ingredients in Dushmula, well-known Ayurvedic medicine.
Leaves are stomachic, carminative and galactagogue. They are useful in dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, cough, fever, rheumatalgia and tumors. The root contains a yellow coloring matter, tannin and an essential oil which is used for the treatment of colic.
Punica Granatum
Botanical Name : Punica Granatum
Family Name : Puniacaceae
Common Name : Pomegranate, Anar
Part Used : Seeds,flowers
Habitat : Commonly cultivated as ornamental and fruit tree.
Product offered : Leaves, Seeds, Fruit, Oil, Flower
Uses : A decotion of seed is used to treat syphilis. Juice used to treat jaundice and diarrhoea. Juice of flower is used to treat nose bleeds. The fruit pulp and the seed are stomachic. Dried, pulverized flower buds are employed as a remedy for bronchitis.
Seeds are used as a seasoning in dal, fried samosa, stuffings and chutneys.
Raphanus Sativus
Botanical Name : Raphanus Sativus
Family Name : Cruciferae
Common Name : Radish,japanese Radish, Leafy Daikon, Daikon, Fodder Radish
Part Used : Leaves,seeds, Roots
Habitat : Cultivated all over india upto 5000 m and in many other temperate and warm countries.
Product offered : Roots,Fruits,Leaves
Uses : The plant is used in the treatment of intestinal parasites, though the part of the plant used is not specified. The leaves, seeds and old roots are used in the treatment of asthma and other chest complaints. The juice of the fresh leaves is diuretic and laxative. The seed is carminative, diuretic, expectorant, laxative and stomachic. It is taken internally in the treatment of indigestion, abdominal bloating, wind, acid regurgitation, diarrhoea and bronchitis. The root is antiscorbutic, antispasmodic, astringent, cholagogue, digestive and diuretic. It is crushed and used as a poultice for burns, bruises and smelly feet. Radishes are also an excellent food remedy for stone, gravel and scorbutic conditions. The plant contains raphanin, which is antibacterial and antifungal. Radish preparations are useful in liver and gall bladder troubles. The roots are said to be useful in urinary complaints, piles and in gastrodynia.
Rubia Cordifolia
Botanical Name : Rubia Cordifolia
Family Name : Rubiaceae
Common Name : Indian Madder, Madderwort, Lukelangafu, Lukera Batuzi
Part Used : Roots, Stem
Habitat : Throughout india in hilly districts.
Product offered : Roots,Stems
Uses : The roots are alterative, anodyne, antiphlogistic, antitussive, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, styptic, tonic and vulnerary. They are used to lower the blood pressure. The roots are used internally in the treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding, internal and external haemorrhage, bronchitis, rheumatism, stones in the kidney, bladder and gall and dysentery .
The stems are used as they are considered to have a bitter taste and a cooling potency. They are used in the treatment of blood disorders and spreading fever of kidneys and intestines. A valuable red dye is obtained from the root and stems. Roots are made into paste for application into ulcers, inflammations and skin troubles. A decoction of leaves and stem is used as a vermifuge.
Sapindus Mukorossi
Botanical Name : Sapindus Mukorossi
Certifications :
Family Name : Sapindaceae
Common Name : Ritha, Soapnut
Part Used : Soapnuts, Soapnut Shells, Soapnut Shells Powder
Habitat : Through out india, nepal in lower forests.
Product offered : Seeds, Fruit, Oil, Hulls
Uses : Soap nut is used in cleansing lotion, protein shampoo, protein shampoo with conditioner. Soap nut contains a high level of saponins. It is antibacterial, mild foaming agent and cleanser, . Soapnut powder is used to cleanse hair, skin and laundry. Helpful in removing stains from hands, may soothe the eczema, psoriasis, itchy and sensitive skin. Soapnut is an excellent hair tonic. Soapnut extract comes from the fruit of the Soapnut tree. The pulp of the fruit contains a high level of natural foaming agents. This extract can be used to wash skin and hair. Soap nut when added to a facial mix of milk powder and clay to provide delicate cleansing of the skin, it is added to salt scrubs to add cleansing action. The saponin from the soapnuts is used as a textile auxiliary and in preparation of toothpaste. Useful for treating a number of diseases like common cold, pimples, epilepsy, constipation, nausea, etc.
Saussurea Lappa
Botanical Name : Saussurea Lappa
Family Name : Asteraceae (compositae)
Common Name : Costus, Kut Root
Part Used : Roots
Habitat : The plant is lies at an altitude of 2,600-3,600 m in the himalayan region and in kashmir and himachal pradesh.
Product offered : Roots
Uses : The roots are bitter, acrid, sweet, thermogenic, aromatic, deodorant, aphrodisiac, anodyne, carminative, digestive, stomachic, diaphoretic, stimulant, alternate, depurative, galatagogue, diuretic, disinfectant, antibacterial, antispasmodic, expectorant, febrifuge, skin stimulant and tonic.
Roots are useful in chronic and foul ulcers, cough, asthma, bronchitis, flatulence, cholera, leprosy, leucoderma, jaundice, liver problems, skin diseases, ringworm, diarrhea, dysentery, fever, hiccough, hysteria, cardiac disorder, gout, and general debility.
Aromatic roots are also used in obtaining essential oil, which is used in perfumeries, incenses, and in hair tonic. Oil from the root is very beneficial in the treatment of rheumatism. It is used in the treatment of swelling and fullness of the stomach.
Spilanthes Acmella
Botanical Name : Spilanthes Acmella
Family Name : Compositae
Common Name : Toothache Plant
Part Used : Leaves, Flowers
Habitat : Spread throughout india, ascending upto 1700 m.
Product offered : Roots
Uses : The most common and widespread use is to treat toothache and throat and gum infections. Worldwide the flower heads are used either fresh or dried and powdered, but the use of roots and leaves has been recommended as well. The plant is further recommended as a cure for dysentery and rheumatism, and to enhance the immune system. It increases the flow of saliva and is useful in fever especially during summers. It is used against blood parasites, especially against malaria, both prophylactic and curative.
The herb exhibits general immunomodulator properties when used internally, boosting production of leukocytes and antiviral interferon, as well as promoting phagocytosis. The leaves may also used to treat bacterial and fungal skin diseases. The internal use of this herb stimulates an increased rate of phagocytosis.
It stimulates wound healing, protects the individual from colds and flu.
Stevia Rebaudiana
Botanical Name : Stevia Rebaudiana
Family Name : Astraceae
Common Name : Stevia, Sweet Leaf, Sugar Leaf, Sweet Honey Leaf, Rebiana.
Part Used : Leaves
Habitat : Cultivated in india.
Product offered : Leaves
Uses : Stevia is zero calorie natural sweetener, hypoglycemic, cardiotonic, vasodilator, antimicrobial, digestive tonic, diuretic, antihypertensive and appetite stimulant.
It is useful in obesity, diabetes, gingivitis, acne, digestive problems, cuts, wounds, mouthsores, heartburn, seborrhea, eczema, dermatitis, inflammations, and high blood pressure. It is used in mouthwash, toothpaste and used to kill mouth bacteria.
It is used as sweetener in confectionery, beverage and food industry. It is also used in cosmetic industries in skin shinning and anti-wrinkle creams. It helps the body sustain a feeling of vitality and well-being and used externally for blemishes.
Stimulate alertness and counter fatigue, facilitate digestion and gastrointestinal functions.
Syzygium Cumini
Botanical Name : Syzygium Cumini
Family Name : Myrtaceae
Common Name : Eugenia Jambolana, Plum, Black Plum, Jaman, Jambolan
Part Used : Seeds, Leaves, Fruits, Bark
Habitat : Throughout india, in forests upto 1,800 m usually along river banks and also cultivated.
Product offered : Leaves, Seeds, Bark, Fruits
Uses : The leaves are antibacterial, and are used for strengthening the teeth and gums. The fruit and seeds are sweet, acrid, sour, tonic and cooling. They are used in diabetes, diarrhoea and ringworm. The bark is astringent, sweet sour, diuretic, digestive and anthelmintic. Leaves are used as poultices on skin diseases. Decoction of the fruit is used in case of enlargement of the spleen
Tephrosia Purpurea
Botanical Name : Tephrosia Purpurea
Family Name : Fabaceae
Common Name : Fish Poison, Wild Indigo
Part Used : Root, Leaves, Bark.
Habitat : Throughout india
Product offered : Wholeplant, Leaves
Uses : It is used traditionally as folk medicine. According to Ayurveda, plant is digestible, anthelmintic, alexiteric, leprosy, ulcers, antipyretic, alternative, cures diseases of liver, spleen, heart, blood, tumours, asthma etc. A decoction of the roots is given in dyspepsia, diarrhoea, rheumatism, asthma and urinary disorders. The root powder is salutary for brushing the teeth. It quickly relieves the dental pains and arrests bleeding.
Tylophora Indica ( T. Asthmatica)
Botanical Name : Tylophora Indica ( T. Asthmatica)
Family Name : Asclepiadaceae
Common Name : Emetic Swallow-wory, Indian Ipecac
Part Used : Leaves, Roots
Habitat : Throughout india, found in the plains, forests, hilly slopes and outskirts of the forest upto 900m.
Product offered : Roots
Uses : The leaves and roots have emetic, cathartic, laxative, expectorant, diaphoretic and purgative properties. It has also been used for the treatment of allergies, cold, dysentery, hay fever and arthritis. It has reputation as an alterative and as a blood purifier, often used in rheumatism and syphilitic rheumatism. Root or leaf powder is used in diarrhoea, dysentery and intermittent fever. Dried leaves are emetic diaphoretic and expectorant. It is regarded as one of the best indigenous substitute for ipecacuanha. The roots are suggested to be a good natural preservative of food.
It is traditionally used as a folk remedy in certain regions of India for the treatment of bronchial asthma , inflammation , bronchitis, allergies, rheumatism and dermatitis. It also seems to be a good remedy in traditional medicine as anti-psoriasis, seborrheic, anaphylactic, leucopenia and as an inhibitor of the Schultz-Dale reaction. The roots are suggested to be a good natural preservative of food.
Vitex Negundo
Botanical Name : Vitex Negundo
Family Name : Verbenaceae
Common Name : Chaste Tree, Huang Ping, Gattilier Incise, Huang Ching, Lenggundi, Man Ching, Negundo Chastetree
Part Used : Whole Plant
Habitat : Wasteland up to 2000 metres in the himalayas
Product offered : Seeds, Roots
Uses : The leaves are astringent, febrifuge, sedative, tonic and vermifuge. They are useful in dispersing swellings of the joints from acute rheumatism and of the testes from suppressed gonorrhoea. The juice of the leaves is used for removing foetid discharges and worms from ulcers, whilst an oil prepared with the leaf juice is applied to sinuses and scrofulous sores. A decoction of the stems is used in the treatment of burns and scalds.
The dried fruit is vermifuge and is also used in the treatment of angina, colds, coughs, rheumatic difficulties etc. The fresh berries are pounded to a pulp and used in the form of a tincture for the relief of paralysis, pains in the limbs, weakness etc. The root is expectorant, febrifuge and tonic. It is used in the treatment of colds and rheumatic ailments. The plant is said to be a malarial preventative and is also used in the treatment of bacterial dysentery - extracts of the leaves have shown bactericidal and antitumor activity. The leaves are used to repel insects in grain stores. Extracts of the leaves have insecticidal activity. The fresh leaves are burnt with grass as a fumigant against mosquitoes. A decoction of the leaves and the vapours are employed in baths for treatment of febrile, catarrhal and rheumatic affections. The flowers are astringent and are used in fever, diarrhoea and liver complaints.