Ayurveer Ayurveda Pharmacy Products
Ayurveer Ayurveda Pharmacy Products Asavas / Arishtas Asavas and Arishtas are integral part of Kashaya Kalpanas. Asavas and Aristhas […]
Ayurveer Ayurveda Pharmacy Products Asavas / Arishtas Asavas and Arishtas are integral part of Kashaya Kalpanas. Asavas and Aristhas […]
Ayurvedic Antibiotic-Mahavilwadi Lehyam Main Ingredients vilvamUla; guDa; zRGgivera, marica, pippalI, cavya, tAlIsapatra, kesara, pippalImUla, citraka, trijAta, jIraka, madhu; karpUra, mArgikAmada
AYURVEDIC MEDICINES FOR PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Ayurvedic physicians have excellent medicines for the psychiatric disorders. In my personal experience many psychiatric
ManasaMitra Vatakam and its Treatment Application It is a brain and nerve tonic dug out of Ayurvedis classics.It is a
AYURVEDIC TREATMENT FOR NARCOLEPSY NARCOLEPSY is also as a result of bad sleep. Narcolepsy is caused due to inadequate and