Types of digestive tracts / nature of bowels or Kostha in Ayurveda
Types of digestive tracts / nature of bowels koṣṭha: krūro mṛdurmadhyo madhya: syāttai: samairapi | There are three types […]
The word Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word (आयुर्वेद) that evolves from combination of two words, “Ayush” (आयुस्) meaning life and “veda” (वेदः) meaning knowledge. Ayurveda means “Knowledge about Life” Ayurveda is a 3000 year old science that originated in India. Present region of North Indian, Pakistan, Nepal, Barma, Tibet and East-Northern places of Bangladesh. The components and concept of Ayurveda is rooted in Vedas. Ayurveda considered as the one of the Upveda of ‘Adharva veda’.
Types of digestive tracts / nature of bowels koṣṭha: krūro mṛdurmadhyo madhya: syāttai: samairapi | There are three types […]
Types of digestive fires in Ayurveda tairbhavedviṣama: tīkṣṇo mandaścāgni: samai: sama: || There are four types of Digestive fires
Tridosha – Vata, Pitta and kapha vāyu: pittaṃ kaphaśceti trayo doṣā: samāsata: || vikṛtā’vikṛtā dehaṃ ghnanti te varttayanti ca